Why Hire a Professional Contractor

Every profession has a skilled and knowledgable individual who perform their tasks efficiently and accurately.

Fourteen years ago, newly married and eager to put our stamp on our new place, Dean and I thought we’d save some money with a little DIY. You know how it goes: move in, hear the words "I was thinking..." and suddenly, Dean knows “I’m about to do some working.”

We decided to renovate our tiny bathroom, dreaming of a stunning feature wall in the shower. Dean, even as a professional tiler , measured meticulously. I, multi-tasking genius that I am, offered to jot down all the measurements while catching up on "Friends" episode.

Dean headed to the tile store, bought the gorgeous but pricey tiles we fell in love with, and got to work. Except, shocker, nothing fit. Cue a marathon blame game. Turns out, maybe, just maybe, I was more engrossed in Ross and Rachel’s drama than in jotting down numbers correctly.

The moral of this tale? Hire a professional to save time, money, and your relationship. We don’t fix our own teeth (hello, dentist), we don’t cut our own hair (hello, stylist), and we certainly don’t mess with electricity (hello, sparky). So why mess with your home?

Hilarious Reasons to Hire a Professional Bathroom and Kitchen Renovator

1. Your Pinterest Board is a Lie
  Your Pinterest board is filled with dream kitchens and bathrooms. But let's face it, your DIY skills are more "nailed it" than "nailed it."

2. The Plumbing, Oh the Plumbing
  Unless you enjoy reenacting scenes from "Titanic" every time you flush the toilet, leave the plumbing to the professionals. You don’t want your bathroom to become a waterpark for all the wrong reasons.

3. The Mysterious World of Tile Cutting
  Cutting tiles looks easy—until you end up with shards that resemble abstract art. Unless your name is Picasso, it’s best to let someone else handle the tile saw.

4. Avoiding Divorce Court
  Nothing tests a relationship like a DIY home renovation. Save your marriage (or at least your sanity) by hiring professionals who won't argue over grout colors and backsplash designs.

5. Surprise! There's Mold or Asbestos
  You might think you’re pulling up old flooring, only to find the set of a horror movie underneath. Mold or Asbestos is scary, but a professional renovator will face it without running for the hills.

6. Electrical Work: The Shocking Truth
  Trying to rewire your kitchen can turn into an electrifying experience. Literally. Unless you’re into the idea of sporting a new hairstyle courtesy of accidental electrocution, let an expert handle the wiring.

7. The Unexpected Structural Issues
  What starts as a simple cabinet replacement could reveal structural issues that require an engineering degree to fix. Do you have one? No? Better call a professional.

8. The Temptation of "Close Enough"
  When you DIY, "close enough" becomes your mantra. A professional, however, doesn’t believe in almost-level countertops or somewhat-straight walls.

9. Permits? What Permits?
  Navigating the world of permits and regulations is like deciphering hieroglyphics. A professional renovator speaks this ancient language fluently, ensuring your project is legal and up to code.

10. Time is Money
  You could spend your weekends swearing at your misaligned cabinets and poorly cut tiles, or you could relax and let professionals do the job efficiently. Your time is valuable—spend it wisely.

Make a right choice.

So, unless you're looking to star in the next episode of "DIY Disasters," do yourself a favour and hire a professional renovator. You'll get the kitchen and bathroom of your dreams without the nightmares.

P.S. When you are looking to hire a professionals, please do check if they qualify to do the work, check out their previous jobs. We get phone calls to fix leaking bathrooms where previous builder did not do job correctly or legally such as not doing waterproofing. This will cost you dearly because the whole bathroom would have to be redone, very expensive mistake.